Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We're on a roll ! ! !

Aside from working on the Camelia Institute, I had the pleasure of attending an S.L.E. Lupus Foundation support group with Pi Gluten Free yesterday. It was such an inspiration to be in the same room with all of these INCREDIBLE women and men. I lack words to describe how this meeting made me feel, however I will surely try.

Although I do not have Lupus or any autoimmune disease, I am so proud of the strength exuded by those who live with these illnesses. Not only are these women and men living with illnesses which are NOT visible to the world, they are constantly hearing their illness is in their heads. MANY autoimmune illnesses go unnoticed, undiagnosed and unfortunately, untreated for years. More advocacy needs to be done to get people the help they need, WHEN they need it. More advocacy needs to occur to have doctors understand that just because they CAN'T see an illness, does not mean it isn't there.

Let's stop ostracizing others because they're different. Let's stop telling people they are okay because they get themselves together in the morning even though inside, their world is collapsing. Let's stop telling people an illness is in their head, when there is so much more you can do to help them.

Let's start LISTENING, let's start PAYING ATTENTION, let's start CARING.


P.S.- Check out for more information on a company which offers delicious foods, free of gluten, AND a company with an INCREDIBLE social mission!

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