Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Progress "Report"

Equipment is in the Dominican Republic!!! You know what that means, right? We are one step closer to distributing these items to seniors in need.

Next stop: Going to the Dominican Republic to begin the search for a nursing home in actual need. Having visited the Dominican Republic annually, I have seen firsthand how certain items end up being sold into the black market. This is a risk I'd like to reduce as much as possible. By visiting multiple nursing homes in impoverished areas of the Dominican Republic, we will be able to determine whether our equipment will get proper usage. We will also be able to determine which nursing homes will benefit from the equipment collected by the Camelia Institute for the future.

I'm super excited and happy to see the project come to fruition. I won't lie though, I am also a bit anxious and nervous since this is a new experience for us.

Please keep us in your thoughts & prayers and send positive energies our way!


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