Friday, November 30, 2012

Donation- yay!!!

A very generous donation to cover the costs of filing for 501(c)3 status is on its way!

Special thanks to the Ortiz-Cabrera/Cabrera-Ortiz family.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

What do you think? (Old post that didn't get publish bc of glitch)

Tell us what you think! I was playing around with this application, thought it was pretty neat.
P.S. What you are seeing are images from our trip to one of the nursing homes in DR. This was in conjunction with Fundacion NTD Ingredientes who graciously invited us to take along.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mobile updates!

Howdie partners!

We are now able to post via our phones! Woo hoo!!! This means blogs will be shorter, but hopefully more frequent!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Soul Searching

Hi lovelies,

I hope this message finds you and your loved ones well. For those who were affected directly by Hurricane Sandy, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Being a New York organization, we have noted the impact Sandy has had on the Northeast. While things have changed, one thing is for sure: as a community we will persevere.


I've been a little off the radar. Not because I love this organization any less, more so because I've been struggling with managing this organization, school, and my multiple work positions. I am trying to find a healthy balance, where my sanity and well being aren't jeopardized.

If I am not blogging as much as I should be, please forgive me. We are NOT receiving any compensation- other than seeing the smiles on our viejito's faces- and as such, we need to prioritize our work and school first. The successes in both arenas will benefit the Camelia Institute in the long run, I am SURE!

While the time devoted to the CI isn't as much as we would all like, we will still be collecting donations and working on various ways to help seniors worldwide. If things aren't picking up pace, please forgive us.

We love you, we love the Camelia Institute, and most importantly we LOVE our seniors!
